this is the first of a series of short reports from the whole 3 weeks, many photographs and film clips will be shown - watch this space don't miss any!
Group 1 - 16th - 23rd November
African Golden Oriole
From the moment we stepped off the plane to the hour spent in the departure lounge on the last day - it was wall to wall birds.
The group was made up of 10 UK clients, myself, our local guide Modou and Noah (with his bus- the ark) our driver.
From the airport to the hotel we spent an hour stopping every few yards to look at new species:
A walk in the wonderful gardens of the hotel produced 20+ species - we logged 45 species on day 1, with only having 3 hours of daylight that was amazing!
The next 3 days was spent discovering local sites only the coast, we looked at open creeks, rice fields, coastal forest, beaches, woodland savannah and 'sewer works'!
What did we see, well, we listed 182 species in 3 days: here are some of them:

A collection of Egrets - Cattle, Little,Intermediate & Great

One of the first places we visited was the Koto Creek, we stopped on the famous bridge and listed about 25 species, the most common was the Pied Kingfisher:

Next we tracked along the 'Casino Track' and our final destination for that first morning was the local Sewer Farm:
Red-billed Firefinch

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