Wednesday 5th January
Well what a difference a day makes! The lovely weather of the last few days was broken yesterday by a dull overcast sky, a chilly breeze and the odd shower.
I walked the usual tracks form the north of the village round to Camino Gibraltar and despite the dull overcast conditions there was still the odd bird song coming from Blackcaps, Sardinian Warblers and a Blue Rock Thrush. It was too dull for photographing birds but I did manage to find a couple of new flowers, however, I didn't see a single butterfly!
Well what a difference a day makes! The lovely weather of the last few days was broken yesterday by a dull overcast sky, a chilly breeze and the odd shower.
I walked the usual tracks form the north of the village round to Camino Gibraltar and despite the dull overcast conditions there was still the odd bird song coming from Blackcaps, Sardinian Warblers and a Blue Rock Thrush. It was too dull for photographing birds but I did manage to find a couple of new flowers, however, I didn't see a single butterfly!

Lesser Periwinkle - Vinca minor
Black Nightshade - Solanum nigrum
Thursday 6th January
Today was back to normal, dry sunny and warm, birds were back in full song and several butterflies were on the wing. We walked around the lower track as yesterday and found many Speckled Wood butterflies, a couple of Large Whites and a Red Admiral.
Raptors were out in force with 10+ Griffon Vultures, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk on the wing. Song Thrush, Robin, Blackcap, Sardinian Warbler and Stoenchat were all in song. We also noted Siskin, Serin, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Greenfinch and lots of Black Redstarts.
A few flowering plants were found, including two of which I cannot name yet , perhaps you can tell me.

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