Jan 2nd - 5th - Somerset Levels
Jan 7th - 20th. - Sri Lanka. £1850
Feb 16th - March 3rd Costa Rica - full
Mar 20th - 30th Morocco - 10 nights. - full
April 2nd - 9th - Andalucia migration tour. - full
We arrived in Morocco during a torrential rain storm and had to wait in the terminal for the rain to stop - what a start to our birding holiday in the sun! The snow clad peaks of the high atlas were a beauty to behold we drove up on the afternoon of our first day but hit a snow blizzard and had to come down. We didn't see a bean!
Thick snow covered the ground even at lower levels, here you can see Steve & Syliva in the foreground and Brian and Duncan in the distance. Taken at a level of 2000 meters.
We usually see many species in the these pine woods but all had deserted. Day 2 was much better with a clear blue sky and lots of birds to see, here the group are seen on the road from the mountains on the way to the high plains at Quarzazate
The rain still pesists, with heavy showers followed by light showers! The only reports recently are of several Black Kites drifting up the Genal Valley (Saturday) and Black Redstarts, White Wagtails and Chiffchaffs still in good numbers in the village. The blue Rock Thrush is still 'singing in the rain' behind our top apartment.
Can't wait to get to Marrakech on Wednesday for some better weather!! Watch this space.
just to make you guys in the UK feel at home with us in Spain I can report that the rain in Spain falls mainly in our street. To prove it the whole village turned out yesterday after torrential rain that lasted all day. It was a nice display of their umbrellas I recorded 27 species!!
Christine & John joined me for their 3rd day tour and what a wash out it turned out to be. It rained nearly all day and some of it was torrential and very wet! However we managed to see a fair crop of species with some goodies included.
We drove down to the coast from Gaucin and travel along the coast road to Tarifa. We parked near Los lances Beach and walked to the hide which overlooks a couple of pools. It wasn't raining when we started out and we enjoyed watching Little & Cattle Egrets, Skylarks, Crested Larks, Meadow Pipits and Goldfinches. Once at the hide it began to rain and it got pretty bad, birds on the beach struggled with the wind and rain but we did find Audouin's Gull (15), Mediterranean Gull (1 - 1st winter), Sandwich Terns and a nice surprise a Caspian Tern. Black Kites sitting in the rain
Waders included Sanderling, Ringed Plover, Little Stint and Kentish Plover. We also found a couple of Northern Wheatears, lots of Yellow Wagtails, a Sand Martin and my first Swifts of the season - both Pallid and Common Swifts flew over the hide. John located a nice Water Pipit and took several pictures of it before telling us!! Big mistake, no lollipop for him!
We got soaked! During a brief respite in the downpour we made our way back to car and drove to La Janda.
From the car we saw a good number of wet birds seen from along the central track at La Janda. Lots of Black Kites drifted over, a Short-toed Eagle showed in the distance, we also found about 100 Yellow Wagtails, 50+ White Wagtails, Green Sandpiper, Common Snipe, Marsh harrier and a couple more Water Pipits.
We also saw flock sof Linnets and Golfinches and a Cetti's Warbler out in the open. We found a Reed Bunting and 4 Purple Swamphens in the reeds in the large canal. Then we turned along the Benalup track and found Red-legged Partridge, Lesser Kestrel, Common Pheasant and White Stork.
The rain eventually drove us off and we set off for home. As we passed Palmones the rain had stopped so we pulled into the town and parked at the mouth of the river. It was windy and the tide was very high but we found another Med Gull (1st winter), several Sandwich Terns, a flock of some 50 Sanderling and a lovely 'pink' Slender-billed Gull. That ended our day tour - very wet but all enjoyed the birding when we had the chance.
After 12 nights and 10 birding days with us here in Gaucin, Chris and Penny finally went home today. We left the village at 7:30am and drove down to the coast on the way to Malaga. As we passed Crestellina we looked back to the village and saw a flock of 15 Common Cranes flying high up the Genal Valley, a Griffon Vultures circled over Crestellina and the ubiquitous Stonechat flew across the road.
Their last bird recorded with us was Monk Parakeet as a group flew over us as we neared the airport. The total we recorded reached 145 for the 10 days, a formidable total and one that is going to hard to beat in future winter tours.
Goodbye to Chris and Penny, thanks for your company, your tireless birding endeavour and we hope to see you again, either in Somerset when we visit or again here in sunny Spain.
Wedrovedownthehillto El Colmenar as the rain subsidedintolightshowersbutthelightremaineddull. At Colmenar nearthepowerstationabovetheriverwesatinthecartowatchmyfavouritedeadtree!!! Inthepastwehaveseenmanyspecieshereandtodaywasalsogood. Therewas a GreenWoodpeckersubspecies - Sharpeiperchedunder a branchshelteringfromthe rain andocassionallypeckingatthetreetrunk as ifmaking a halfheartedattemptatnestmaking. Then a smallpartyofHawfinches (5) landedinthetopofthetree. Not a badstartbutitgodownhillfromthere. A walk/drivealongthebanksoftheGuadiaroriverproducednothingandthenseveralstopsinthevastwoodlandabove Colmenar alsoproducednothing.
allpicturesweretakenyesterdaybyPennyandChris except the siskin
Glossy Ibis - trebujenamarshes - Penny
Itwasn't until 1pmthatthe rain stoppedandwegotoutofthecartowalk a trackthatledaw ay fromthe Cortes - Ubriqueroad. WequicklyfoundWoodlark, Stonechat, BlackRedstart, CirlBunting, MistleThrush, Jay, Blackcapand a fewRobins.
Hoopoe - Salinas de Santa Maria - Penny
Whimbrel - Salinas de Santa Maria - Chris
Wethenspentsome time walkingthetrackbutfoundnothingnew. At 2pmwemadealastattempttofindsomebirdsbywalkingalong a trackthatranabovetheGuadiaroriverjustaboveEstacion Cortes. Thisprovedto be quite goodwefound a smallaprtyofSiskins, more RobinsandBlackcaps, a flyover Peregrine, a Ravenandgreatviewsof a Firecrest. Thelittlegemprovedto be thelastbirdsightingofthetrip as wedecidedtocallit a dayandheadedoffhomeforanearlydinner.
Slender-billedGulls - Salinas de Bonanza - Chris
Spoonbill - TrebujenaMarshes - Chris
Thetourendedat 4pmwehadtraveledmany miles tosee a greatvarietyofhabitats, landscapesandtremendousscenery. Wehadhadlovelyweatherformostofthetrip, thebirds, butterflies, flowersandanimalswelovelytosee.
PennyvotedtheFirecrest as herbirdofthetripandChriswentfortheHoopoe.
Having had a day off from birding yesterday when we went to Gibraltar - we were raring to go today for our ninth day out. The weather had taken a turn for the worst with overcast skies and a chill in the air. We decided to leave the mountains around Gaucin and headed to Jerez to look at a couple of saltpans and lagunas.
Our first stop was the laguna Medina just south of Jerez, it was quite windy but the sky had brightened a lot. We found good numbers of Red-crested Pochard on the lake and Great Crested Grebe, Common Pochard, Shoveler, Little Grebe, Coot and Moorhen. passerines included Zitting Cisticola, lots of Chiffchaff and many Blackcaps and Cetti's Warblers were in song.
The Salinas at Santa Maria were full of birds, a good flock of over 200 Common Shelduck was extraordinary for Spain, Greater Flamingo were also in counted in their hundreds. We also found an obliging Hoopoe, a superb Black Stork, Stone Curlew (3), Kentish Plover, Whimbrel, Redshank, Dunlin, Sanderling, Turnstone and plenty of Yellow-legged and L B B Gulls. On the way out of the pans we found a small flock of Spanish Sparrows and during the whole of our visit there many Black Kites flying over or perched in the surrounding fields.
We stopped to view the Rio Guadalquiver at Sanlucar where we found Bar-tailed Godwit, Turnstone, grey Plover and Redshank.
At the salinas de Bonanza we had an incredible time watch many species at close quarters whilst we ate our lunch in the car. About 300 Slender-billed Gulls fed very close to the car and they were joined by Sanderling, Curlew Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, Redshank (a single flock held 132), Greenshank, Avocet, Black-winged Stilt, Grey Plover, Turnstone, Common Sandpiper and Dunlin. Other birds of note were Caspian Tern, Spoonbill, Red Kite and Kentish Plover.
a splendid Redshank in full summer plummge
Slender-billed Gulls - looking very pink after feeding in the salt pans
A brief stop at the laguna Tarela produced White-headed Duck, Common and Red-crested Pochard, Little and Cattle Egrets, Black-crowned Night Heron and another Red Kite. We then drove through the pine woods at Algaida hoping for an Azure-winged Magpie but only found Chaffinch and a few Tree Sparrows.
Our last birding stop was the marshes of Trebujena adjacent to the river. In the large open lagunas we found over 40 Marbled Duck, a great find for the trip list! There was also Red-crested Pochard, Spoonbill, Greater Flamingo, Common Pochard, Ruff, bar-tailed Godwit, Redshank, Greenshank, Yellow Wagtail, White Wagtail, Black Kite, Common Buzzard and more Avocets. One very good find was of a Little Gull which was seen feeding, tern like, with a flock of Black-headed Gulls over the laguna. #
We did note some very distant Glossy Ibis but it was hard to get very good views of them, however, as we departed the marshes we found another flock of 15 Glossy Ibis very close to the road, a lovely bird to finish off a great day in the field. It took nearly 2hrs to drive the 125 miles back to Gaucin, we arrived at 7pm, tired and hungry! Dawn had cooked us a delicious meal which was washed down with a nice red wine.
PaulfromGaucinjoinedustoday, wesetoffat 8:30amandtookthescenicroutetowards Los Barrios via Castellar andJimena de la Frontera. WestoppedatthelandfilltolookforBlackKites, wesawhundredsofthem. Theywereperchedeverywhere, trees, hillsides, buildingsandonrubbish! TheywerejoinedbyhundredsofGriffonVultures, cattleEgrets, GullsandtheoddWhiteStork - thesmellwasawful.
Leavingthe aroma oftherubbishtipwedrovepassed Los Barrios andcrossedintotheAlcornacales Natural parkandtraveledthelengthoftheOjenvalleylookingformigrantraptors. Oursearchstartedwellwith 7 Short-toedEaglesflyingoverbutfromthenonitprovedto be veryquiet. Thebumpytrackwas 15 kilometerslongandwesawonly a handfulofGriffonVultures, a fewCommonKestrelsand a coupleofCommonBuzzards. Manypasserinesflewacrossthetrack as weprogressed, SongThrush, Robin, SardinainWarbler, BlackRedstart, Blackcap, Jay, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Greenfinchandweheard a MistleThrushsinging.
Sand Crocus - taken by Penny Robinson
Nextweparkednearthebeachat Los Lances - Tarifa. Itwaslovelyandsunnywithverylittlewind - not ideal forthesurfing capitol oftheworld. Thebeachheld a goodflockofAudouin's Gull, Yellow-leggedGulls, L B B Gulls, BlackHeadedGulls, SandwichTernsand a loneCaspianTern. TheCaspianTerntookoffanddivedforfishrightinfrontofthehidewewereusing! Wadersincludedover 50 Sanderling, Dunlinand a single Redshank. Wealsofound MeadowPipit, CrestedLark, BarnSwallowsand a fewHouseMartins.
Fortherestoftheafternoonwehad a fabulous time at La Janda. Thisbirdricharealiveduptoitsexpectationsandsuppliedsomegreatsightings. Weparkedatthestartofthe central track and ate ourpicniclunchwhichwasinterruptedmany times bybirdsightings. Duringthis time wefound a coupleofhundredWhiteStorks, 4-500 CommonCranes, MarshHarrier, a superbmaleHenHarrier, lotsofGreyHerons, LittleandCattleEgrets. Butthestarbird had to be themaleBluethroatthatshowedverywellfor a briefspellintheditchrightnexttous.
Wedrove along the central trackstoppingat a coupleofflooded rice fields, onefieldwascoveredinwagtails a conservativeestimatewas 200 YellowWagtails (Ibericae), 100 WhiteWagtails, therewasalso a goodnumberofMeadowPipitsandtheywerejoinedbyseveralWaterPipits a couplewhichwereinsummerplummage. OtherbirdsfoundinthesetwofieldsincludedmanyCommonSnipe, Spoonbill, Greenshank, RingedPlover, Redshank, GreenSandpiper (4) and a goodsizedflockofCornBuntings.
Our next stopwasonthetracktoBenalupwherewewatched a hillsideforsightingsofraptors. FirstwefoundanotherHenHarrier ( a ringtailthis time), MarshHarrier, lotsofGriffonVulturesandBlackKites. WealsohadseveralsightingsofSpanish Imperial Eagletherewere 2 possibly 3 juveniles. Twowereinviewatthesame time andinteracted by soaringandchasingoneanother, thatwasgreat.
Onethereturndrivewestoppedtolookat Red-leggedPartridge, a largeflockofGoldenPloverflyinghighoverheadand a perchedBlack-wingedKite. Thisbirdtookoffandbeganhoveringnot too faraway, itthen moved around a fieldhoveringinmanyplaceslookingforprey. A greatbirdtofinishoff a lovelydayfilledwithgoodsightingsandlargenumbersofbirds - La Jandatrulyis a placeforbirds.
What a coldday! Althoughwehadbrightsunshinein a cloudlessskyitwasverycold!!! ChristineandJohnjoinedusfortheirseconddayout, wecollectedthemontheoutskirtsofthevillageandsetoffnorthtowards Ronda. WestoppedtwiceinthemountainswherewefoundRockSparrow, Linnets, Red-leggedPartridge, Red-billedChough, BlueRockThrushand a GreatTit. Attheopenvalleywherethe Encinas BorrachestrailbewginswefoundseveralTheklaLarksandhadgreatviewsof a SoutherngreyShrike.
WethenstoppedjustpassedtheTebaGorgetoscanthemountainsforeagles. ThereweremanyJackdawsand Red-billedChoughandwedidfind a distantBonelli's Eagleperchedhighupontherockface. Thebirdrefusedtobudge so wehadtomake do with a half-a-birdsighting. PasserinesfoundthereincludedHawfinch, SardinianWarblerand a fewBlackcapsweresingingfromthescrub.
At Laguna Dulce wedrovearoundthebackofthepooltosearchtheflat, openfieldsforlarks, ploversandLittleBustards. As weenteredtheopenfieldswesawCrestedlarks, Red-leggedPartridgesandMeadowPipits, butwealsofound a hugeflockofCommonCranes, theytookoff as wedrovealongthetrack, atleast 200 birds, a greatsight. Furtherdownthetrackwescannedthefieldsfindingmany Calandra Larks, CornBuntings, Stonechatsandthousandsofhirundineswerehawkingoverthelake. Onourwaybacktothecarwesaw a Ravenand a Bonelli's EagleflyinghighaboveuswealsopickedoutCommonPochardandBlack-neckedGrebeonthewater.
Therestoftheafternoonwasspentatthe Laguna Fuente de Piedras where, apartfromseeing 10,000 GreaterFlamingoswehad a great time watchingseveralspeciesofwader. thereweremanyAvocets, a flockofsome 20+ Ruff, alsoKentishPlover (6), Redshank (1), CommonSnipe (5), Black-tailedGodwit (3 insummerplummage), Black-wingedStilt, Dunlin (5), LittleStint (22) andlotsofLapwing. Wealsosaw a coupleofCommonBuzzards, MarshHarrierandCommonKestrel.
Onthereturnjourneywestoppedtolookfor more Bonelli's Eagle, butfailedtofindone. Thelongdrivebackwasuneventfulbutwewerecontentwith a gooddayoutaroundthe lagunas.