We drove down the hill to El Colmenar as the rain subsided into light showers but the light remained dull. At Colmenar near the power station above the river we sat in the car to watch my favourite dead tree!!! In the past we have seen many species here and today was also good. There was a Green Woodpecker sub species - Sharpei perched under a branch sheltering from the rain and ocassionally pecking at the tree trunk as if making a half hearted attempt at nest making. Then a small party of Hawfinches (5) landed in the top of the tree. Not a bad start but it go down hill from there. A walk/drive along the banks of the Guadiaro river produced nothing and then several stops in the vast woodland above Colmenar also produced nothing.
all pictures were taken yesterday by Penny and Chris except the siskin

Glossy Ibis - trebujena marshes - Penny
It wasn't until 1pm that the rain stopped and we got out of the car to walk a track that led aw ay from the Cortes - Ubrique road. We quickly found Woodlark, Stonechat, Black Redstart, Cirl Bunting, Mistle Thrush, Jay, Blackcap and a few Robins.

Hoopoe - Salinas de Santa Maria - Penny

We then spent some time walking the track but found nothing new. At 2pm we made alast attempt to find some birds by walking along a track that ran above the Guadiaro river just above Estacion Cortes. This proved to be quite good we found a small aprty of Siskins, more Robins and Blackcaps, a flyover Peregrine, a Raven and great views of a Firecrest. The little gem proved to be the last bird sighting of the trip as we decided to call it a day and headed off home for an early dinner.

Slender-billed Gulls - Salinas de Bonanza - Chris

The tour ended at 4pm we had traveled many miles to see a great variety of habitats, landscapes and tremendous scenery. We had had lovely weather for most of the trip, the birds, butterflies, flowers and animals we lovely to see.
Penny voted the Firecrest as her bird of the trip and Chris went for the Hoopoe.

We saw 145 species in 10 days an admiral effort with a good selection of unusual and hard to find species. Birds of note include: Great White Egret, Marbled Duck (43 is a good number for Spain), Little Gull, Bluethroat, Spanish Imperial Eagle, Bonelli's Eagle, Black winged Kite, Slender-billed Gull, Black Stork and Hen Harrier. for sheer number then Common Crane, White Stork, Black Kite, Griffon Vulture (150 in one sighting), Yellow Wagtail and waders at Bonanza Saltpans.
It all adds up to a wonderful trip - perhaps you should join us next time?
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