Despite the rain I made a quick visit to Los Lances beach at tarifa whilst I was out shopping at the DIY shops along the coast. I got wet walking from the car to the hide. The tide was high so the pools just in front of the hide were flooded and not many birds were present. However, I logged my first Audouin's Gull of the year.
Birds seen at Los Lances:
Grey Plover
Crested Lark,
Meadow Pipit,
White Wagtail,
Zitting Cisticola,
L B B Gull,
Sandwich Tern,
Blk Headed Gull,
Audouin's Gull (117th for the year),
Corn Bunting
Today; Wednesday 17th
John and Penny Hale joined me for a visit to Llanos de Libarwhich is a hidden valley found behind Montejaque.

We set off in the dark at 8am and arrived at 8:45
in bright sunshine. The surrounding mountains had a covering of snow and the valley stretched for miles in front of us. We drove a kilometer and parked up where we expected to find one of our target species; Ring Ouzel.

After an hour of searching in very cold conditions we found a solitary bird, a male of the a Alpestris race.
The whole valley is stunning with a great variety of habitats and a place I will returning to for many times.

Despite the lack of Ring Ouzels and our other target species: Alpine Accentor we had a great time watching many other species which included:
Rock Bunting (at least 10 seen - 4 together)
Blue Rock Thrush, (4)
Black Wheatear (4),
Dartford Warbler (1 - 118th species for the year)
Ring Ouzel (1 - 119th species for the year)
Rock Sparrow ( 120th species for the year -a flock of over 100 was a superb find)
Bonelli's Eagle (1)
Griffon Vulture (20-30 soem were perched on the ground close to the track)
Southern Grey Shrike (2),
Thekla Lark (several small flocks)
Linnet (10+)
Stonechat (many)
Goldfinch (large flocks)
Chaffinch (small flocks)
Rock Dove (6)
Spotless Starling (6)
Blue Tit
Mistle Thrush (2)
Crag Martin (seen on the way home)
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