Penny and Chris spent their fourth day with us here in sunny Gaucin. We had a relaxed quiet day and stayed in and around Gaucin for most of the day.
Our morning was spent walking along one of my favourite tracks to the north of the village. it took 3.5 hours and was littered with wildlife events. We had several sightings of Firecrest and brief views of Song Thrush, Blackcap, Sardinian Warbler and Jay. Before long the raptors were up on the thermals, many Griffon Vultures drifted over and a very low flying Black Kite appeared briefly. this was the first of the year for me and it was quickly followed by another 10, they were seen rising on the thermals. Later I found out that over 70 Black Kites were seen on the far side of the village around lunchtime! We also had distant views of 3 Short-toed Eagles and we heard a Common Buzzard. There was at least five Great Spotted Woodpeckers drumming, one of which showed well.
Spanish Festoon
The walk took us through lovely Cork Oak woodland with areas of pine, Sweet Chestnut, Olive and Almond. We saw quite a few butterflies the list included: Speckled Wood, Wall Brown, Small heath, Spanish Festoon, Cleopatra, Large Tortoiseshell, Brimstone, Bath White and Large White.
After lunch, which was taken at home, we drove down to a friend's Finca near Casares where we spent a couple hours looking for Orchids and watching birds from their terrace. There were two species of orchid on show and in good numbers, Sombre Bee-Orchid and Mirror Orchid. The birds were good too, we saw many Griffon Vultures, Red Billed Chough, Short-toed Eagle, Lesser kestrel, Raven, Blackcap, Serin, Zitting Cisticola, Black Redstart and Song Thrush.

Sombre Bee Orchid - Ophrys fusca
Mirror Orchid - Ophrys speculum

We left around 6pm and drove back to gaucin for a delicious evening meal at home.
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