It was a cold morning but bright with no wind and no cloud. Our first birds were a Green Sandpiper and a Kingfisher seen from under the bridge looking down stream. We also saw White Wagtail, Chaffinch, Blackbird and a Blue Tit. Many birds were in song or calling, Blackcaps were quite noisy as were Spotless Starlings and Robins. As we walked along the track upstream we noticed a flock of birds high up in the trees. They turned out to be Hawfinches, at least 20 were milling about, a great sighting for the morning list. A Great Spotted Woodpecker added to the excitement, we then watched Blackcap, Grey Wagtail and Siskin through the scope. A Cetti's Warbler sang several times but failed to show.

Black Redstart (fem) - one of, at least 20, seen this morning
Next we stopped at Crestellina to watch the Griffon Vultures, we saw about 30, they eventually took off and circled over us. On the roadside verges and in the fields we located Stonechat, Crested Lark, lots of Black Redstarts, Chiffchaff, Cirl Bunting, Common and Spotless Starlings, Meadow Pipit, Eursaian Kestrel and good numbers of Goldfinches.
Further along the track we saw four Red-billed Chough land in a nearby field, we had great views of them in the scope, Two further stops added White Wagtail, Corn Bunting, Sardinian Warbler, Lesser Kestrel (5), Blue Rock Thrush and Song Thrush to the morning list.
We drove back up the hill at 12 noon having had quite a busy morning with lots to see.
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