my journey took me to several airports and over 22 hours travelling just to travel 2000 miles. I met up with dave and Andy at gatwick at 6am, we met Pat and Mike at Athens at 3pm (local time) and then we all met Tony at the hotel in Skala kalloni, lesvos at 6:30pm.
Our first birds on Lesvos were recorded during the jouurney from the airport to the hotel and then at 7pm we watched a section of the garden from a balcony at the back of the hotel. We quickly recorded a couple of good birds for the trip: Collared Flycatcher, Tree Pipit and Night Heron set us off. We also saw Spainsh Sparrow and Pied Flycatcher.
After dinner we returned to the balcony to listen for Long-eared Owl and before long we heard one. Then Tony spotted one alighting on top of a eucalyptus tree and we all had good views of it - a very goog bird to find.
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