Another day of wind and rain, when is it going to stop? We started off the day okay with a visit to the cliffs just west of Matalascanas where we were able to shelter from the wind behind a building. We spent an hour sea-watching and came up with some good new sightings for the tour list: Caspain Tern, Audouin’s Gull, Great Skua, Northern Gannet, Sandwich Tern, Lesser Black-backed Gull and Sanderling were our best sightings.
At Acebuche visitor’s centre we walked to several of the hides and produced very little: Common andf Red Crested Pochard, Savi’s Warbler (reeling only), Glossy Ibis and lots of Black Kites. In the White popular Trees we heard Golden Oriole and looked for them in the wind swept foliage without success.
La Rocina was the same, the lagunas that are overlooked from the hides held a lot of water and very few birds.

We bought and ate our lunch in El Rocio, from the new visitor’s centre at the south of the laguna we saw Eurasian Spoonbill, Greater Flamingo, Gadwall, Shoveler, Pied Avocet, Ringed and Kentish Plover, Dunlin, Litler Stint and Black-winged Stilt.
We then drove along to the south of the town and walked a sandy track and didn’t see a single bird! Lastly we drove through the fruit farms south of La Rocina and scanned the open fields, there we had some success. Lots of Bee-eaters were sitting on the road, we had great views of Calandra Lark and we saw our one and only Curlew of the trip. A large flock of Cattle Egrets was an impressive sight and many brightly coloured Yellow Wagtails we nice to see.
We finished off a little earlier than usual and spent some time relaxing in the hotel before dinner at 7:30pm.
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