After collecting Colin from Malaga Airport we joined Peter(whom I had dropped off earlier )at the superb Reserve at the mouth of the Guadalhorce. Despite a great number of people milling around; cycling, swimming, jogging and sun-bathing there was a good number of species on show.We spent a couple of hour strolling around the tracks and trails in lovely warm sunshine, noting many specis including: Kingfisher, Zitting Cisticola, Sardinain Warbler, White Headed Duck, Black-necked Grebe, Mediterranean Gull, Booted Eagle, Opsrey (2), Golden Plover (my first for the Autumn), Curlew Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwit, Common Sandpiper, Greenshank and a single Greater Flamingo. Out to sea a number of Gannets were diving for fish whilst several Monk Parakeets flashed noisily overhead.

We ate our picnic lunch before setting off for Ronda which took an hour to get there. We stopped at the nature reserve at Sierra de las Nieves and a short walk produced Jay, Griffon Vulture(6), White Wagtail Woodlark and large numbers of Black Redstarts,at least 20 were in a small area near the car park.

Our last walk of the afternoon was just south of Ronda on the Algeciras road, the Encinas Borrachas track. It was a little breezy but still nice to be out and quite a few birds were flitting around the pool. We quickly found Corn Bunting, Stonechat, Thekla Lark, Goldfinch, Linnet and Serin. Then Peter walked near the pool and put up a Green Sandpiper and we found a Southern Grey Shrike, A Rock Sparrow, Northern Wheatear, Blue Rock Thrush and another Black Redstart.
It was now 5pm and time to head off to our home at Gaucin, we made a very brief stop at a mirador but didn't add any new speciesto our list.After an hours rest we tucked into a lovely dinner produced by wifey Dawn,yum, yum (and the food wasn't bad either).
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