GREY BUSH CRICKET - Platycleis denticulata
It was very windy on the east side of the hill but nice and sheltered on the west. We spent a hour or two ambling round the well trodden path and found some interesting birds and butterflies.
Firecrest was seen on one or two occasions, we also saw Eurasian Nuthatch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Blue and Great Tits and Jay.
During the final part of the walk we came to a narrow pathway that was lined with Lentisc (Lentisco in Spanish) - Pistacia lentiscus shrubs which were covered with berries. Many birds were seen in the bushes and mainly consisted of Garden Warblers nad Blackcaps, but we also found Eurasian Robin and Common Redstart. I have noticed recently that Redstarts in particular love these bushes, they eat the abundant red berries like the warblers do and are often seen hovering whilst they pick-off the berries. WALL BROWN BUTTERFLY
Birds of prey seen this morning were Sparrowhawk (2), Short-toed Eagle (1) and Griffon Vulture (8). One odd sighting was of a Lesser Black-backed Gull which flew over and appeared to have lost its tail, quite an odd profile!
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