We found small, mixed flocks of common birds and one or two nice birds too! We started with House Sparrow and Common Starling, our gift to the US. But soon it got interesting. We moved into the quieter areas in the Rambles, it was a wooded area with open glades, on the pathway we found a flock of White-throated Sparrow, American Goldfinch, House Finch and Dark-eyed Juncos.
A White-breasted Nuthatch was very nice and so was a Red-bellied Woodpecker, we saw several Tufted Titmouse and more Sparrows.
Later during the walk we added Cedar Waxwings, a flock of about 10 landed in nearby trees, a couple of Cardinals, including a lovely male, showed very well. We then found another flock of mixed species which contained a couple of Fox Sparrows, what a lovely little bird.

Other birds seen were Great Cormorant, MourningDove, Mallard, Blue Jay, Hermit Thrush, Amercian Robin
In the afternoon we walked down to the East Hudson River where we saw many Ringed-billed Gulls and a nice surprise was a Bufflehead.
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