From Zaragoza we travelled to the Pyrenees where we stoppe d at Astun for lunch. A large flock of Alpine Chough were eclipsed by an adult Lammergeier which drifted over us and landed about 100 meters fromus, my camera and scope were both in the car!!!
We made it as far as Bergerac before pulling over and finding a hotel for the night. On the 10th Nov we drove from bergerac to Calais and took an evening ferry to Dover and then drove the short distance to maidstone where we stayed for 3 days.
During our stay in Maidstone we visited Rye Harbour - it was a typical November day in the UK - no sunshine, dull, overcast, drizzling rain and cold. Oh how I love to be in England now that Novemver is here.
At Rye I was pleasantly surprised by the number of birds present - Golden Plover and Lapwing numbered in their hundreds, whilst lots of Curlew, Redshank, Grey Plover, Dunlin, Snipe and a good variety of gulls were present.

However on the way back to the car park we stopped to look at some Curlews in afield and noticed a larger bird quartering the field behind the far hedge - it was a Short-eared Owl, fantastic. We walked nearer and the bird showed really well, a second joined it for a while before they clashed and the intruder was chased off. A superb Display and our bird of the day without a doubt.
We are now back in Crewekerne and we are off to Salisbury tomorrow to stay with more friends - who knows I may get down to the New Forest to see a Great Grey Shrike! Watch this space.
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