Another glorious day, superb weather, fantastic scenery and wonderful birding. Tony, pat and I set off after breakfast and headed toward Cortes de la Frontera. We stopped at a track just before the river at Estacion De Cortes. As we emerged from the car we found Cirl Bunting, Serin and Great Tit. Our walk in the warm morning sunshine took us through oak woodland and open meadows where we found many species of flowers and birds. Long-tailed Tit, Common Cuckoo, Blackcap, Nightingale,Chaffinch, Green Woodpecker, Booted Eagle, Common Buzzard, Griffon Vulture and lots of finches were seen and heard.

At Estacion de Cortes we followed the river and had a lovely walk along the north bank. most of the usual river species were present, Nightingale, Blackcap and Cetti's Warbler in the bushes and Kingfisher, Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, Grey and White Wagtails were found on the river.
We also saw Booted and Short-toed Eagles, Rock Sparrows, Woodchat Shrikes (nest building), Stonechats, Sardinian Warblers and Corn Buntings.

At Montejaque we walked along a track that overlooked the Cerro de tabizna ( a huge limestone pinnacle) where was found Black Wheatear, Red-billed Chough and an Orphean Warbler. Just beneath the Cerro de Tabizna we stopped to overlook the gorge and the cave entrances. There we found Alpine Swift, Crag Martin, Blue Rock Thrush, hawfinch, a few more Choughs and lots of Griffon Vultures.

Our last little walk was into the cork oak woodlands just north of the embalse de Montejaque. We enjoyed the walk but the birds were very quiet, however we did managed to find Mistle Thrush, Bonelli's Warbler, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Bee-eater, Red-rumped Swallow and Booted Eagle.
Other sightings of interest during the day included: Spanish ibex, Red Deer, Blue Emperor and Common darter dragonflies, Hummingbird Hawkmoth and many, many flowering plants.
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