I go poor Tony and Pat up very early today and took them to Colmenar before breakfast. They both said it was worth it after having great views of Golden Oriole.
After breakfast we ventured up towards Ronda and walked the 'drunken oaks' path, it was very windy but we had good views of Bonelli's Warbler, Thekla Lark, Black-eared Wheatear, Linnet, Blue Rock Thrush, Rock Bunting, Rock Sparrow and good but brief views of Spanish Imperial Eagle. It was very windy but dry, the wind died down on the return journey. Silver-leaved Viper's Bugloss
Loose-leaved Orchid (Orchis saxiflora)

The afternoon was spent at the nature reserve of Sierra de las Nieves, we didn't find many birds in the windy conditions but we did lots of flowers and few butterflies.
Pat and Tony at Sierra de las Nieves

Heliborine species

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