I took another early morning birding trip at 5:30am to the Rice fields and Palm Nut farms just north of Quepos. I photgraphed a Yellow-headed Caracara just after I stopped by a bridge over the Rio Sevgre where I watched Grey-breasted martins and a Snowy Egret. My next stop was near a small stream where a party of Orange-chinned Parakeets were feeding, in the same tree I also saw Red-crowned Woodpercker, Tennessee Warbler and a Cherrie's Tanager.

On telegraph wires and posts I saw Roadside Hawk, Ruddy Ground-Dove and Crested Caracara. On wires over the stream I had great views of Ringed and Amazon Kingfishers.

At the rice fields there were fewer birds in sight but many more were well hidden in the tall stalks of rice. I saw Great Egret, Northern Jacana, Black-necked Stilt, Spotted Sandpiper and lots of Variable Seedeaters.

After breakfast we set off to the beach, but our visit was curtailed by a rainstorm. Before we left however I managed a short walk where I watched many Brown Pelicans fishing, an Osprey, Willet and a few Spotted Sandpipers.

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