We started at 5:30am, it was very cold at only 5 C but the sky was clear. We drove the short distance to a well known site for the Quetzal and sure enough after a short wait we saw four

For the rest of the morning we walked the trails at Severge Hotel and found a new set of species in this high mountain terrain. A set of feeders are positioned right outside the reception area and they attract many hummingbirds we added: Grey-tailed Mountain Gem, Purple-throated Mountain Gem, Whiter-bellied Mountain Gem and a Stripe-tailed Hummingbird.
During our walk we found Yellow-thighed Finch, Flame-throated Warbler, Yellow-winged Vireo, Mountain Robin, Rufous-browed Peppershrike (brief glimpses), Elegant Euphonia - a stunning little gem.

The little beauty shown above is the Collared Redstart and is quite common in this region.
Further down the track we also found Brown-capped Vireo, Townsend's Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, Black-cheeked Warbler, Tufted Flycatcher and Buff-fronted Quail Dove.
We arrived back at the hotel in time for lunch and during lunch we watched the bird tables from the terrace. The Acorn Woodpecker shown below was superb, there were three of them.

We also added the Flame-coloured Tanager, Slaty Flowerpiercer, Tennessee Warbler (unusual to see a warbler on a bird table). A Red-crowned Woodpecker dropped in for a brief time and joined Hairy Woodpecker and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker onto the daily woodpecker tally.

I can't finish the blog without including a picture of a hummer or two. This one is a Grey-tailed (aka White-throated) Mountain Gem.

This one below is the female Purple-throated Mountain Gem.

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