An early morning ramble in the gardens produced several new species for the trip: these included Green Ibis, Great Jacamar, Nicaraguan Seed-Finch, Wood Thrush, Pied Puffbird, Olive-backed Euphonia and Great Antshrike.
During breakfast we sat on the terrace and watched the feeders and bird tables where a plethora of birds gathered. We had great views of Green Honeycreeper,Blue Dacnis, Summer Tanager the beautiful Orange-billed Sparrow. BARRED ANTSHRIKE (male)
After a lovely breakfast we drove the short distance to La Selva where we spent the whole day. We hired a guide from the park to escort us and boy was he good. The trails from the main centre stretch for miles into the rain forest and these held many species of birds, including the Trogons, Motmots and woodpeckers shown here. There are several more pictures from today's trip posted on the next blog entry.

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